Thursday, February 23, 2006

Six years...

Ben and I wrapped up our sixth year of marriage by driving fourteen hours with three kids who each had hacking coughs, runny noses, and goopy eyes down to Memphis... the weekend started shaky, at best.

The plan was to spend some time in Memphis with Ben's folks, relax, and then get some alone time... just me and my wonderful husband... for most of our anniversary day and overnight. Mmmm... glorious... Those plans began diminishing as we wiped snotty nose after snotty nose, were kept awake most of the nights by one of the kids crying, coughing, or complaining that their eyes wouldn't open (seriously gross... it's called a cold in the eye-as if there isn't enough places for junk to drain (nose, mouth) it also comes out the eye and goops them up and glues them shut... I know, sick, but you have to know what we were up against).

Grandma and grandpa were AWESOME, to say the least. They barely batted an eye at having to wipe countless nose and put up with lethargic, cranky kids. Isn't it great to be loved no matter what??? What's even better is having your own personal nurse to check their ears and to calm my nerves... as I worry that they're coming down with pink eye, croup, pneumonia, sinus infections, or possibly the first case of the bird flu in the US.

When we thought that there was no way we could leave our kids like that, his parents talked us into it, knowing that they may be up most of the night with at least one of them... now that's love. Ben and I were able to go ahead and leave for the day... no agenda, no kids, or cries, or whines. It was glorious. We debated what might do over coffee, saw a movie, listened to some jazz, stayed at a plush hotel, slept in, went out for breakfast... and didn't worry once about the kids.

Thanks Mom and Dad G. for making what could have been a disasterous weekend awesome!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Valentine's Day

So this valentine's day, Ben and I spent in two differnet venues. Him at home with a buddy of his and six kids (isn't he awesome???) and me out with some really great chicks, Lindsey and Sarah to see the musical, Little Women. Too fun!

I have a thing for the story, Little Women. Every Christmas that we're together my mom, my sister and I watch the movie version. As soon as there's even the remotest possiblity that this sort-of annual event is about to happen, Ben jets. As much as I LOVE the story, he hates it (claims it's dull...). He said he was glad not to be one of the many men in the theater snoring through it for their significant other. There were no snorers- I checked.

Anyway, overall awesome night!

Monday, February 13, 2006

next round on us...

I've been finding out that our Nate likes to inform everyone (his teachers, his friends, their parents, the other mother helpers, really, anyone who will listen...) the going-ons of our house... and the child has a terrific memory, so the situation is not looking good. I found this out because Nate came home from school last tuesday with his backpack FULL of hershey's kisses. The teachers informed me that the mother helper felt sorry for him because he gave her a sad story about Ben leaving for Ecuador and me saying, "I don't know what we're going to do without your daddy...".

A little scary that our privacy is being breached by a four-year old, but so far nothing we can't handle...

Well, to celebrate Ben's homecoming from Ecuador I bought some of his favorite IBC Cream Soda. We are not soda drinkers, but there's something about a cold IBC from a bottle... So last night Ben was drinking one of these sweet IBCs and thought maybe Nate (who wont touch soda because he claims it's too spicy) would want to give soda a second chance. Nate took a few precautionary sips out of Ben's bottle and decided that despite it's "spiciness" he might like a small cup of his own. He proceeded to take a few more sips and then placed the remainder, as is his habit, back in the fridge to "save for later".

"Later" happened to come this morning. As I was trying to get everyone breakfast I hear Nate's voice from the fridge say, "Mommy, do you know that my beer doesn't taste as spicy when all the bubbles are gone?" (Hey, when you can't read, cream soda and beer are one in the same.)

Forget parent of the year award- we are definitely NOT going to fare well when Nate tells his teachers that we're supplying him with beer...

Monday, February 06, 2006


So in the sad event of Ben leaving, I decide that we are going to make today as relaxing and low-key as possible.

We hung out in our jammies until ten (I know you're jealous) then decided to take long, warm bubbly baths (for the kids- although it does sound nice).

Ava and Eli have been happily pouring water and seem very content in their warm bubble world. I begin wrapping up the time by washing up Ava. As I reach in to wash her I feel what seems to be little wet pieces of paper floating through my fingers. As i am determining all the possibilities of what this could be, my greatest fear is realized as I notice that the water has turned a murky shade of green. Yep... a big pile of poo in the bottom of her bath seat. No wonder she's so happy.

Then, as I am cleaning out the entire tub, all the toys, and the bath seat in order that I can run fresh water to clean off the children that have been contaminated with poo, Eli, standing stark naked, takes one look at me (probably deciding that this is a key opportunity) and pees all over the bathroom floor.

I hope your Monday has gotten off to a better start than mine...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

time warp

I'm not a morning person, but I've gotten into the habit of waking at 6am so that I can have a good hour to myself. It's great. A nice, warm cup of coffee in hand, snuggled by the fire, a time to collect myself, read and pray. I LOVE this time.

The other day though it was stolen from me. I was unusually tired, we had just returned from out of town and I wasn't feeling the greatest, but I'm still up. I situate myself and rest my head for but a second. My eyes close but not for long. I come to and I'm feeling ready to begin my time of deep spiritual study. I take a sip of my coffee, bracing myself for its heat... and it's COLD. Not even luke-warm, but disgustingly cold. I'm sure that there must be a malfunction with my coffee maker and I'm already upset at the manufacturer until my eyes meet the clock- 7am-a whole hour had been stolen from me. Weird. I'm still not really sure where it went. I think perhaps I have been the subject of time travel.

So if you can't find me know where I am.