Wednesday, May 24, 2006

something smelly...

Ok... the fart machine.

I'm almost afraid to tell you because we don't have a patent on it yet.

Nate and I were meandering through the aisles of Target when Nate gets a thoughtful look on his face. I could tell he was somewhere else and ask him what's up. And he says this: "Mom, when dad and I become inventors (which is just funny in itself... most four year olds are dreaming of becoming firefighters, or basketball players- mine pictures himself alongside of his dad scheming up new gadgets for the world), we should invent a machine that sucks up all the bad smell from our farts and puts it back into our bodies, but leaves the fart sound behind." brillant... the benefits of a fart without the smell. I think he may have something here.

He says all this as a peculiar smell permeates through the air around us.

The best inventions are birthed out of need.

Friday, May 19, 2006


Ben keeps bugging me about posting... don't know why... there's something darn cute about the geeky looking guy on our last post. But, whatever, Ben doesn't like it.

Thought I'd update you all on how the no TV thing is going. For those of you who don't know, Ben and I, as of June will have been without TV reception in our home for a year. Reason being: we (really Ben's decision) were tired of the pull. You know, you walk in the door, sit down on the couch and what's the first thing you do?? Yeah. Us too. The pull's strangely seductive and drug-like.

So, how's it going??

First few weeks were pretty hard. We were kinda at eachother because neither of us knew how to unwind without it.

But after eleven months there's not a thing we miss (excluding Packers and the office-which is the one show we download). It feels great to control something instead of it controlling us.

I feel like my mind has gone through detox. Really. It's pretty cool. All of the sudden I discovered that I have thoughts past 7pm and they were all mine, not fed to me by someone else trying to sell me something, give me their spin, or shift my thinking to the current of popular culture. I discovered that my children were talking to me and making me laugh instead of that strange buzz in the background that so often distracted me from what jennifer garner is upto now (cuz we're so tight). And that, before, I spent my evenings with a community of people that don't care about me and don't exist while hardly saying anything of significance to the love of my life. Weird how TV can do that. Best part: My relationship with Jesus goes to a whole new level. Just a little easier to think on him when my mind and heart aren't being pulled the other direction. (Not trying to be judgmental- just trying to be truthful.)

Anyway... I'll try to keep it a little lighter next time and tell you about Nate's plans for a fart's good.

So long, geeky Ben.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

New Computer

Sorry we haven't been in the blog world for a while. Our computer died. I mean, competely lost all function. So, we were forced to purchase a newer faster and cooler computer. It was painful, but we will get through it. It took a lot of convincing on Kate's part, but I finally yielded.

I spent a good part of yesterday ignoring the beautiful weather and playing with my (our) new toy. Of course, with all of the things I could have been doing... I got caught up in this beautiful little thing called a web cam. Thought you'd like to see how we are using our new computer to be productive and better the world.