Sunday, April 02, 2006

breakfast in bed

This morning I was awakened by two small boys bearing breakfast bowls. Nate and Eli stood beside my bed each with a bowl full of cereal in hand and huge, proud grins on their faces. As my mind is still trying to turn on, Nate says, "Look, mommy, we brought you and daddy breakfast in bed!" As I reach out to take the bowl and tell him how suprised I am he says, "Oh, and we DID spill some of it on the floor... but don't worry, we got almost all of it back into the bowls." Yum... (my bowl gets put aside) I tell the breakfast brigade that we'd better finish this party downstairs at the breakfast table (in hopes of cereal without carpet hairs in it).

As the three of us head down the stairs I feel tiny cereal flakes crunch under my feet with each step I take.

Oh, to be as pampered as I am...