Tuesday, December 13, 2005

So it's been awhile. I know all six of you that read this are dying to know what is happening in the griffin household. So we're finally back. Our computer has been out for awhile. During Thanksgiving Ben noticed a strange smell coming from our bedroom. Usually that means that either someone is poopy or there may be a diaper lurking somewhere under a pile of clothes. (No kidding, this morning I actually caught Eli taking out clothes from the laundry basket and planting a dirty diaper right in them.)

Well, this time the smell had more of a smoky, burning odor to it. Never a good sign- I think I'd take the diaper smell. Using his keen detective skills (or Ben might claim that it's his super-power skills) he realized that it was coming from our computer. I'm still not sure if he was bummed or elated- this could be his perfect excuse to upgrade his Mac. It took a little while, but my super-skilled husband figured out that we had a burned out fan in one of the drives.

Seriously, I am continually amazed by my husband's abilities.

Ok- so a quick story:

I'm not sure if this is the effect of getting rid of TV in our home or if this is just the strange way Nate's mind works.

I have been asking Nate (like all parents at this time of year) what he wants for Christmas. I'm expecting to hear things like, a remote control car, a race track, a somersaulting Elmo (or whatever he does now)- I don't know, anything NORMAL. I should know better. For his birthday he desperately wanted a wheel barrow so he could help me in the garden, and for Christmas last year he wanted pennies and glue (-so that he could make a train out of pennies and glue- OBVIOUSLY...).

So this year when I ask, he stops and thinks for a moment and says, "I want seeds. Daffodil seeds and pinecone tree seeds that I can plant with you."

I can see him at school. What did you get for Christmas... I got these really cool seeds. I mean, really... what do I DO with that?


Blogger Jamie said...

that's so cute. but really where do you go from here? I wonder what he'll be wanting next? Thanks for updating it's great to hear how you are all doing!

6:28 AM  

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